Rewards and Achievements


For September 2024, we have introduced ClassDojo for our students and families. Through this platform, parents and students will be able to:

  • View calendar events
  • View merits and comments (negative points) issued by teachers
  • View the Academy story and keep up to date with news and events
  • View assignments set for students in their different classes – you will also be able to view the responses that students submit to their teachers
  • Access resources shared by teachers
  • Provides notifications when information has been shared

Teachers are also able to share resources and lesson material with students and parents easily. ClassDojo is available as a mobile app as well as web browser application.


Students are rewarded in lesson by teachers issuing MEPA Merits. Rewards are recorded on ClassDojo. These merits are entered into a half termly raffle for students to be in the chance of receiving a prize during in the end of half term assembly.

MEPA Merits are also totalled up throughout the year, and students work to achieve each threshold of Merits.

MEPA Academy - Student Merits


We have postcards that teachers are able to write to students to recognise their achievements. These postcards are to recognise special achievements from teachers. These postcards are shared in Friday’s form time and can be taken home to share with parent/carers.

MEPA Mantra Points

Through ClassDojo, our teachers are able to award students points for demonstrating our MEPA Mantra. Our MEPA Mantra is the underpinning elements of our core values. Through our MEPA Mantra, our students are mindful and respectful to all, they are enthusiastic and creative in all areas of learning and life. They make progress and boost their attainment whilst aiming high.

These are the students who were awarded the highest for each element in Term 1a 2024-25.

MEPA Academy - Evie Gibson

Evie Gibson
Mindfulness and Respect

MEPA Academy - Edith Hawes

Edith Hawes
Enthusiastic and Creative

MEPA Academy - Maddison Bain

Maddison Bain
Progress and Attainment

MEPA Academy - Isla Perry-Lewis

Isla Perry-Lewis
Aiming High


Each week the house team with the highest attendance are awarded with a weekly certificate to recognise the importance of maintaining a high attendance.

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