Careers and Work Experience

Careers Leader Contact Details

Name: Lewis Muir
Phone: 01622 756644

Careers Policy

Provider Access Policy

Meeting Gatsby Benchmarks

Our careers programme

Our school has an embedded careers programme that aims to inform and encourage pupils to consider their career options, and take steps to understand their choices and pathways. We provide statutory independent careers guidance to pupils from year 7 onwards.

Our programme has been developed to meet the expectations outlined in the Gatsby Benchmarks:

  • A stable careers programme with a careers leader
  • Learning from career and labour market information
  • Addressing the needs of each pupil
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees
  • Experience of workplaces
  • Encounters with further and higher education
  • Personal guidance

Our programme doesn’t show bias towards any particular career path, and promotes a full range of technical and academic options for pupils.

It is structured in a way that builds upon previous years, and the overarching aim is divided between the Key Stages so that pupils are encouraged to think appropriately about their future. We provide aims, objectives and activities for each year group.

Careers Guidance and Advice

Our Careers and Work Experience lead will meet with all Year 11 students individually and is also available to meet with students from other year groups by teacher referral or student/parental request.

Within the meetings, they will provide support and guidance on:

  • Exploring career options and choices available for students based on individual strengths, interests and abilities
  • Further education opportunities (college and 6th Form)
  • Apprenticeships, Training Providers and Traineeships
  • Careers Research and local labour market information
  • Interviews, Applications and CV writing

Careers Education

In Year 7-11 students have dedicated lessons on their timetables to Careers Education. These lessons are designed to create and build aspirations within our students and to develop understanding and knowledge to prepare our students for the world of work.

Work Experience

Every year 10 student takes part in the Work Experience programme at MEPA Academy. It is intended to give students experience of working life and to develop and practise the various skills and attitudes needed in the workplace.

It also provides an opportunity to increase self-confidence, develop personal and social skills and helps to give a focus and relevance to their school studies. In some cases, it may also lead to the offer of a summer or Saturday job or an apprenticeship opportunity.

The whole process from researching placement opportunities to meeting with potential employers and securing a placement is the responsibility of the individual student. However, there is comprehensive support from the Careers and Work Experience Lead who organises and runs the whole programme from start to finish.

Getting Involved

Throughout the year we hold different events for employers, businesses, organisations, training providers, sixth forms, colleges and universities to be a part of. Please be aware that all times and dates are subject to change and we will confirm with you the dates.

  • Mock Interviews with Year 10 and 11 students
  • Intervention and mentoring
  • Careers and Business Breakfasts
  • Employers Fair

We also have a bespoke Careers Education curriculum, through this we look to offer our students. Again if you would like to provide a course, activity or event to our students please email this would be subject to timetables, dates and times of the classes.

We'd love to keep in touch!

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