Personal Development

The aim of our Personal Development programme is to provide our young people with the knowledge and skills to embrace the exciting opportunities this modern world brings, and to deal effectively with the challenges and risks they may encounter. We want our pupils to clearly understand how to keep themselves (and others) safe and healthy (online and offline), to be accepting of diversity, to show empathy and kindness, and to make a positive contribution to their school, local, and wider communities as well have information and guidance that support their development and next steps.

Our Personal Development programme also plays in a key role in the safeguarding of our pupils; adopting a preventative approach and signposting to people/organisations to offer support, advice and guidance. Our curriculum is also flexible and responsive to dealing efficiently with school, local and wider issues as they arise – providing a safe and supportive environment to discuss complex, sensitive and current topics.

We pride ourselves in providing an inclusive approach to personal development. For example:

  • Lessons are carefully differentiated to cater for the varying needs of our pupils with any special educational needs.
  • Our Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) aims to ensure that the needs of all of our pupils are adequately met.
  • Ensuring our curriculum is relevant to the lives of all our young people and actively promoting acceptance and celebration of diversity, and equality for all.
  • An effective careers programme including Work Experience placements in Year 10.

Careers & Work Experience


Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural

British Values

Post-16 Destinations

Pastoral Care

Personal Development

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