At MEPA Academy, we use assessments as a method to understand the attainment and progress of our students. This allows us to address misconceptions and gaps within our students learning.
Assessments Journey
Assessment For Learning
- Current grades will be reported at the end of each term to parents/carers
- Assessment should be holistic, and will take many forms, not just ‘marking’. For example, teachers will assess the student understanding of their learning through techniques such as questioning, one-to-one discussion, verbal feedback, written feedback, and other strategies that check understanding and address misconceptions.
- Teachers will use assessments to respond and adapt teaching as necessary following gap analysis for individuals and whole class
- When assessing student’s work, teachers consider the needs of the pupil when marking, adapting feedback to maximize student’ progress.
End Of Term Assessments
- At the end of each term, students from all year groups will sit assessments in each of their academic lessons. These will be scheduled and the timetable shared with students and parents
- Assessment papers will be quality assured through line management procedures
- Year 11 students will sit formal Mock Exams at the end of Term 2
- Assessments other than Mocks are to designed as 45 minutes long, this allows an additional 10 minutes for extra time evidence
Data Drops
- At each assessment point (end of term), teachers are to submit the score, percentage and grade as part of the data drop. This information is reported to parents/carers along with a comment and effort score
- Data drops from assessments can only be submitted once a teacher’s sample has been moderated
- Teachers will then be provided with a data analysis sheet which provides pass rates and progress values for all key indicators e.g. SEN, Boys, Girls, Pupil Premium, High/Middle/Low Prior Attainers
- Teachers are expected to use the data analysis to support their planning
- Teachers will also keep a RAG sheet (Appendix 2) to show the progress that students are making within the weaker areas of learning
Progressive Marking of Assessments
- Assessments will be marked in purple pen
- Assessment marking will be quality assured prior the data drop. Teachers will submit papers for moderation to the senior management team. Once agreed, Teachers will be able to submit their data drop
- Pupils will respond to all marking in green. Extension tasks will be available to ensure progress, this may include class or individual tasks, addressing misconceptions, depending on the need of the pupil
- For each student, the Assessment Progress form is to be completed in the student book
- Teachers are to complete the Assessment Progress form for their subject this includes What Went Well (WWW) and Target. This allows students, parents and teachers to see the progress over time. See Appendix 3
Student Assessment Folder
- Each student has an assessment folder where there end of term assessment as stored for each subject. Other in class assessments e.g. end of topic will be stored there as well